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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions Webstore

Considering that Valerio Canez S.A., is a limited company, authorized to operate by Notice of the

Ministry of Commerce and published in the Monitor, Official Journal of the Republic;

Whereas the Valerio Canez S.A. has a system allowing payment transactions to be carried out from an

internet access.

Whereas the Valerio Canez S.A. wants to offer all its customers the opportunity to access payment

services over the internet.

Considering that under this convention, the Valerio Canez S.A. wants to define its obligations as well as

those of its customers, potential users of internet access payment services.

Considering that the Service to be provided, by this agreement, will be referred to as the Canez E[1]Commerce Group.

Between the Valerio Canez S.A. established at 65, from the Delmas Highway to Port-au-Prince, Haiti; and

the Customer whose identity is defined at the time of identification on the Canez Group portal or at the

time of the opening of his registration as a customer [Sign up].


Article 1: Subject - Limit

The Valerio Canez S.A. offers the Customer who accepts it a service allowing him to make payments on

internet support, in particular, ordering products and services offered by the Company.

The Customer agrees to adhere, knowingly, to the Terms and Conditions of Use of Internet Payment

Services, as established by the Valerio Canez S.A. Company and is already committed to complying with

the terms of the Internet Payment Services.

The parties agree that this agreement relates only to the service for making payments over the Internet

and that under no circumstances could the agreement relating to that Service diminish or increase any

obligation that this customer undertakes to Valerio Canez S.A. under another contract with another

commercial effect.

Article 2: Duration

This agreement is concluded for a full and consecutive period of 18 years. It will come into effect as

soon as it is validated electronically by the Customer.

It is renewable by tacit renewal.

Any party that does not wish to renew this agreement will notify the other by letter with

acknowledgement at least one (1) months prior to its expiry date or by email.

Article 3: Enjoyment - Use

The Valerio Canez S.A. Company is committed to providing the Customer with a website with the

necessary instructions to make optimal use of this Service.

The Customer, as soon as the approval of his application for membership by Valerio Canez S.A. will have

the ability to make payments on internet support from the website set up by the Valerio Canez S.A.

Company for this service.

The Customer is obliged not to use the Service made available to him in a manner contrary to the

instructions issued by the Valerio Canez S.A. in a fraudulent or illegal manner and/or in a manner

detrimental to the security and effectiveness of that Service. It is also obliged to make no illegal

transactions from this site.

However, the Valerio Canez S.A does not guarantee the Customer the functioning of the networks of

internet service providers or the effectiveness of the navigation software used by the latter. Under no

circumstances can Valerio Canez S.A. be responsible, directly or indirectly, for any act, omission on the

part of Internet service providers, for any failure to manufacture the navigation software retained by the

Customer and/or for the performance of the equipment used by the customer.

Article 4: Company Bonds

The Valerio Canez Company S.A., as part of this agreement, is obligated to:

· Make a website available to the Customer to make payments;

· Develop and popularize, from the aforementioned website, instructions on the use of internet support

to make payments and security instructions relating to them;

· Provide a file processing number to any user who has been requested to apply for membership;

· Credit and/or debit the Customer's account, after verification, the transactions carried out, in

accordance with the customer's instructions;

· Give the Customer a confirmation number after completing the required transaction.

· Make any correction in case of inaccuracy and/or errors, with prior notification from the Customer;

· To ensure, by all means, the confidentiality of electronic exchanges of data and, therefore, the security

of transactions carried out on internet media, reserve made of the provisions of Article 10 of this


Article 5: Customer Obligations

The Client, under this agreement, is obligated to:

· Provide Valerio Canez S.A with any personal information required for the purpose of compiling its file;

· Keep his password secret and change it, at the first requisition of the Valerio Canez S.A.;

· Immediately notify Valerio Canez S.A if your password is accessible by third parties;

· Assume any loss or financial consequence resulting from the use of his password as a result of his

negligence (disclosure or misalpretity of his password), the use of a password based on the Customer's

personal data (phone number, date of birth, NIF, etc.);

· Follow the instructions issued by Valerio Canez S.A. on its security website, listed under the headings

"Security Advice," "Privacy Policy, available on the website set up by Valerio Canez S.A;

· Check the entries in his cart and notify the Valerio Canez S.A of any related errors.

Article 6: Equipment - Equipment

The Customer, in order to access the Terms and Conditions Service, should be equipped with a

computer connected to an internet provider as well as any other technological tool required for such a


The acquisition, maintenance and repair of the aforementioned equipment is the sole responsibility of

the Customer. Under no circumstances will it be able to turn against Valerio Canez S.A for any

malfunction and/or misuse of the aforementioned equipment.

Article 7: Transaction Validity - Checking

Any transaction made over the Internet, in accordance with the instructions for the use of the Service,

will be valid from the confirmation number provided by Valerio Canez S.A., as if this transaction had

been made at one of the branches of the Valerio Canez Company S.A.

The Customer undertakes to verify the transactions made, from the e-mail submitted to the Company's

internet platform. In the event of an error and/or inaccuracy, he will have to notify Valerio Canez S.A.

within three (3) business days, from the receipt of the email. After this period, no challenge will be


The registration of payments made by the Customer on the internet and kept by the Valerio Canez S.A

on electronic media is proof. The Client already accepts that in the event of a dispute, Valerio Canez S.A.

can use this electronic data as proof.

Article 8: Delivery Terms

When delivering an order, Valerio Canez S.A. undertakes to deliver exclusively to the beneficiary

identified at the delivery address indicated when ordering online. Delivery will only be made upon

presentation of a valid identity document of the beneficiary.

If the person who placed the order online is not the one who will take delivery, he or she must inform

Valerio Canez S.A. in advance. This notification can be made by commenting directly on the online

system or by sending an email to the addresses e-mail [Email - delivery], accompanied by the name and

photo of the identity document of the person who will come to take delivery.

The signature on the delivery note or any other receipt document attesting to delivery must be that of

the identified beneficiary or that indicated by the latter notified to the Company, as described above.

The Company reserves the right to refuse delivery if the identification or notification conditions are not

met or if it has reason to believe that the delivery could be fraudulent.

In the event of a dispute regarding delivery, the Company's records and documents, including but not

limited to photographs, signed delivery notes and copies of identification documents provided, will

constitute prima facie evidence of the delivery made in accordance with the terms of this contract. As a

result, the Customer will be liable for payment for the goods delivered in accordance with the terms and


Article 9: Responsibility - Exoneration of Responsibility

The Customer will be responsible for any losses incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use of

the Service, in particular, in the event of:

· Unauthorized third party use of password;

· Use of the Service in a manner that does not comply with the Company's instructions;

· Failure of its Equipment;

· Mishandling made by him;

· A third-party breach of the Service's security system;

In the event of the Client's adherence to other internet services, thus exposing his Equipment to contact

with other equipment, he will assume the risks inherent in the communication and transmission of

information through the Internet.

The Customer assumes any losses incurred in connection with the use of the Service, as a result of his

refusal to change his password at the request of the Valerio Canez Company S.A. and/or his negligence

in notifying Valerio Canez S.A. immediately if he suspects a third party to know him.

In the event of a malfunction and/or interruption of the Service, regardless of the cause (force majeure,

defect, etc.), the Valerio Canez S.A. Company undertakes to make it operational, as soon as possible.

Under no circumstances will the Company be liable for any loss, direct or indirect, suffered by the

Customer resulting either from the malfunction or the interruption of the Service.

On the other hand, the Company will assume any loss suffered by the Client as a result of gross

negligence or error on its part.

Article 10: Privacy

The Client agrees to provide Valerio Canez S.A., at first request, with any necessary personal

information, including address, tax identification number, national identification card number and/or

passport number.

Valerio Canez S.A. recognizes that all personal information provided to it by the Customer for the

purpose of using the Service constitutes confidential information.

The parties agree that access to this information should be limited only to employees or agents who

require it, in order to provide the Customer with a Quality Service.

Article 11: Review - Change

The fact that Valerio Canez S.A. refrains from late claiming or claiming the application of any of the

clauses contained in this agreement does not imply any waiver of its rights or acquiescence.

Valerio Canez S.A reserves the right to amend, at its discretion, in whole or in part, this amendment,

without prior notification to the Customer.

The company's changes will be published on its Service website. As of publication, these changes will be

enforceable against the Customer.

Article 12: Termination

Valerio Canez S.A. may terminate this agreement immediately, without liability to it, in the following


· Fraudulent use of the Service by the Customer;

· Failure to comply with the Client's obligations, as stipulated in this agreement;

· Not using the service for a period of one hundred and eighty days (180);

· Customer's death.

Any party may terminate, at any time, the present agreement, with a written notice of fifteen (15) free

days notified to the other party, by letter with acknowledgement.

 Article 13: Litigation

The parties undertake to carry out the terms of this contract in good faith. In the event of a dispute over

a payment transaction made from the Service, the Customer already agrees to contact a representative

of the Valerio Canez S.A. Company in order to resolve the dispute amicably. To this end, the Client is

obliged to cooperate with the Company by providing him with any information, document and data that

can advance the investigation that will be carried out by the ad hoc services of Valerio Canez S.A.

If the amicable route fails, the challenge will therefore be submitted to the Arbitration of the Chamber

of Conciliation and Arbitration of Haiti (CCAH).

The parties elect residence in Port-au-Prince, the said election of residence being attribute of


Article 14: General Provisions

For anything that would not have been the subject of a special clause, the parties agree to refer to the

current legal provisions of the Republic of Haiti governing the matter and/or international practices in

this area.

It remains understood that the terms and conditions of the other agreements and/or contracts between

the Client and the Valerio Canez S.A. Company remain in force. In the event of a contradiction, the

provisions of this Convention will be applied.

There are fourteen (14) articles in this agreement.

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